Today and yesterday I've been jabbed with those nasty needles I hate so much. Yesterday I had to have routine blood tests to check my haemaglobin and stuff and also get tested for gestational diabetes. That meant I had to drink this glucose solution and then wait an hour before they drew the blood. The glucose solution wasn't too bad and tasted like flat lemonade. At least it was nice and cold so it was easy to drink. The pathology lady, Julie, was really lovely though and when I told her I hated having needles she was really good and reassuring. I think it also helped that I had eaten just before having the glucose stuff so I didn't get woozy or anything.
Today I had to have my first Anti-D injection. Basically this is because my blood type is RH negative I have to have these injections so that if my baby is RH positive it doesn't get any positive blood mixed in with my negative blood. If that did happen it could mean bad stuff during my next pregnancy. The lovely nurse at my GPs, Virginia, did it for me. She's a real card and made me feel very relaxed too. I had to have the needle in my bum - I have never had to have needle in my bum before so this was definitely a new experience. It stung quite nastily when it went in and for a while afterwards, but not so much as I couldn't sit down. I can still feel it now (6 hours later) but only as a bit irritating, not really hurting at all. I've still got 2 more to go - one at 36 weeks I think and then another after baby is born from memory. My GP also checked me over and all is fine. My BP is normal, I don't have swollen ankles and the baby's heartbeat was nice and strong - still love hearing that heartbeat, brings a smile to my face every time. Booked in for my next appointment in 4 weeks.
In other news, it was my last day as a full-timer on Monday. I am now officially a casual. Woo Hoo!! My first shift at Kippa-Ring is tomorrow from 9am-2pm. Then I work all day Friday and Saturday (although shop closes at 4pm I think) and then 10am-3.30pm on Sunday. I also found out that I am getting my final pay-out with all my leave and everything owing to me this week, even though I'm not officially taking maternity leave until the beginning of September. We're actually going to open a separate savings account to put all this into so we don't spend it straight away - we might need it after the baby arrives we think!
Last Saturday was the release of the new Harry Potter book so we had a huge day at work. We all dressed up and I ended up looking like a pregnant school-girl. Everybody thought I looked really cute but also a bit odd! We had an early start with all of us getting there about 7am. We had a staff meeting at 7.30am to make sure everybody knew what they were doing and at what time things were to happen. We opened the doors at 8am and let the people in who were already waiting to line up. We had quiz questions and cake and other people had dressed up and it was a lot of fun. At 9am we started the 1 minute countdown (for those of you who don't know, the first box was not to be opened until 9.01am EST or there would be big trouble). We got the first kid in line to open the box and then it was on! We think we had heaps of people in line before 9am and they just kept coming in all morning from then on. It died down again about lunch time but for a while there we had people everywhere! It was great fun but a really long day. We sent the four casuals home by lunch time and us four full-timers stayed the rest of the day. By the time we cashed up and left if was after 5.30pm and we were all knackered! We had fun though!
Baby is still very active and loves moving around just as I go to bed. This is really quite comforting and Daniel loves putting his hand on my belly to feel this too and talking to B just before we settle down to sleep. I think I've got a bit rounder recently too. Some people have noticed I seem bigger and some days I feel heavier. I'll get Daniel to take another picture of me soon. Now I'm officially into my third trimester and I've only put on about 8-9kgs - I'm pretty happy with that!
I've never had a needle in the bum either. I don't think I'm in a hurry to either (just for the annoyance of possibly not being able to sit down, not for an aversion to needles).
Glad to hear the casual life is going well - I'm sure the non full-time, non-casual life will be even better!
7:14 PM
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