So! I'm pregnant! Thought this might be a nice idea so all of my friends and family can keep up with my daily thoughts, feelings and goings-on during my pregnancy.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Birthdays and Antenatal Classes

I know it's been a little while since I've updated this but we have been a bit busy. We went away for a few days to Mooloolaba just before my birthday and it was so beautiful. The weather was great and our room was gorgeous. We had a king size bed and a corner spa in our room. We also had our own rooftop courtyard which had another spa/jacuzi thing. It was really difficult sitting up there in the sun relaxing...NOT! We also went to see a couple of movies and did a bit of shopping at Sunshine Plaza. All in all, a wonderful few days away together.

As most of you know it was my birthday on Friday 19th and I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everybody who sent me their best wishes. I was very spoilt this year and received lots of lovely gifts and phone calls. I worked at Chermside that day and the girls had gone to a special effort and decorated the back room with balloons and gotten me a card and cake for morning tea. My wonderful husband sent me flowers to work and I got lots of comments throughout the day about how beautiful they were. Of course I left them at the counter so everyone could see! That night we went to dinner with Matt and Kirsten and rellies of mine that were up from Hobart. We had a wonderful Chinese banquet in Toowong and it was really lovely to have family there too.

As Daniel's birthday is only 2 weeks after mine we decided to have a BBQ on the weekend that fell in the middle so we could celebrate both with some family and friends. There were 10 of us altogether and Daniel had made some wonderful goodies to go on the barbie. Adrian also brought some great chicken wings and drumsticks and our other friends all pitched in as well with salads and nibbles and the like. We were all out on the veranda huddled near the brazier and having a great time until dinner was being served. Then I go and do something really stupid and crash into the glass sliding door and shatter the glass with my knee! And bloody hell did it hurt! I was quite shaken up (I'm not good with glass breaking - stems from a childhood trauma!) and had a bit of a cry in my bedroom. Thanks to Katie and Daniel for looking after me and giving me cuddles. I recovered enough to go out and enjoy some of the wonderful food Daniel had cooked and tried not to think about it, and the rest of the night went off without a hitch. Luckily the glass just cracked and stayed in the frame, it didn't shatter all over the floor.

The worst thing about this whole incident was that the glass was only a week old! We'd been broken into while we were away (see Daniel's blog for more details on this) and they had gotten in by breaking that same glass door! So O'Briens glass knew exactly where to go when I rang them about a replacement again. The last time before the break-in that I put a claim in on my insurance was my birthday 2 years ago when I accidentally broke a glass window. It was actually out of its frame leaning on the couch out the back being cleaned while we replaced the flyscreen wire, when I knocked the couch and it fell over and smashed! I have a habit now of breaking glass on my birthday! So O'Briens came out here again on Monday to replace it and it's all better now.

In other news, we've started going to our antenatal classes. We've had 2 so far and they have been really interesting. We've got the same midwife, Barbara, as we had for our last appointment taking the class and she's so great. Very funny as well as to the point. We've seen a few videos of births which both Daniel and I have found interesting, but I think a lot of the class get a bit squeamish watching any gory bits. We watched a Caesarean section being done last night and as I glanced around the room half of the class had looked away or were cringing. There was a bit of groaning every now and then too - and not from the video! We saw the needle they put in you for an epidural as well - that was much scarier to me than the videos. At this stage I would like to think I could do it without an epidural but I'm not going to rule anything out. Next week is all about breastfeeding which I'm really interested in as I know so many Mums who have had real trouble with this.


Anonymous said...

Does Dan know about the thing you have going with the glazier from O'Briens?? Stick with the "happy gas", bugger those needles. I've had enough of those, they make big holes in your body. Love Dad.

6:53 PM


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