So! I'm pregnant! Thought this might be a nice idea so all of my friends and family can keep up with my daily thoughts, feelings and goings-on during my pregnancy.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Why am I awake?

It's nearly 12.30am and I should be asleep - but B has decided no sleep for me right now. I went to bed early tonight and didn't watch any telly. Daniel went out singing about 7pm and after watching about 15mins of Temptation I realised that I really didn't feel like watching the telly and turned it off and went to bed to read. I've been getting quite uncomfortable over the last week or so and finding it difficult to stay in one position too long, be it sitting or standing or lying down. Lying down is the best of these but my arms get uncomfortable and sometimes I wish they just weren't there at all! My neck and shoulders have been aching a bit too and I've felt a bit head-achy on and off as well. So much for my perfect pregnancy - knew it couldn't last! Daniel came home about 10ish I guess and I had been dozing but not really asleep. He did some stuff on the computer and then came to bed a bit after 11pm. I was awake again by then as I had to go to the toilet - again! I feel like every drop of water I injest has to come out the other end within the hour or else! Why isn't my body absorbing any of this stuff? Anyway, after Daniel turned out his light I tried to settle down again but B decided to make his presence known and is still kicking and wriggling like a maniac. I thought if I got up and wandered around for a while he might go back to sleep - but alas, I was dead wrong. I think I've woken him up even more! I could go back to bed and try and read some more but that would keep Daniel awake - so here I am writing a blog about the whole event. I finished work last week so at least I know I can spend all day in bed tomorrow if I need to but it doesn't really help right now.

So, what else is news? Last Friday I got to see my little brother and his wife briefly as they were on their way to Port Douglas for a holiday. They had a flight via Brisbane so I met them at the airport for a coffee. It was really great to catch up with them and all their news. Unfortunately they have a flight via Sydney instead on the way back so I won't see them again for a while I think. They may be home to Tassie for Christmas too but they've just changed jobs and moved interstate so the're not sure whether they can both get the time off. Fingers crossed!

On Saturday it was Daniel's birthday and we also went to our next-door-neighbour's wedding. It was so beautiful! Daniel got some lovely prezzies (I'm sure he'll get around to updating his blog one day and telling everyone about it) and we just took it easy in the morning until it was time to get ready for the wedding. The ceremony was lovely and rather short at one of my favourite churches in Brisbane, St Augustine's in Hamilton. Then they had the reception not far away at the Riverview Inn. We didn't know anybody there but had lovely people sitting at our table and made friends with them all straight away. One of the couples was actually the neighbours from the other side of Brock and Amanda whom we hadn't met before, so it was great getting to know them. Daniel made the most of the free alcohol and even got me up dancing quite a lot. Usually I have to convince him to dance! Overall, we had a really great time.

On Sunday we slept in and didn't do much until the afternoon. We got a great boardgame for our birthday from Geoff called 'Scene It' so we invited him and Matt and Kirsten all over to play it with us. (It's really cool as it's a movie trivia game and it has a DVD with it. Some of the questions you have to watch clips from movies and then answer questions about what you just saw or who the actor was or director or something.) They all came over about 4pm and we played a couple of games. Then Daniel made a stirfry for dinner and we played another boardgame, 'Articulate', for a while before finishing the night off with a bowl of fruit and ice-cream (thanks M & K) and one last game of Scene It.

The next morning I had my 34 week GP visit and my second Anti D injection. Everything's going well - blood-pressure is fine, baby's heartbeat good and we think he's in the right palce. Also had antenatal class last night on breastfeeding - lots of good info from that too.

Well it's now 1am and I think I might try and go back to sleep. B seems to have stopped jumping around as much and I have to go to the loo again! Wish me luck!


Laura said...

That sounds most annoying Jules - I hope you don't get too many nights like that one! By the way - great to know you've got scene it cause I was going to get it for you guys for Christmas! These blogs are sooo usefull. Lots a love - Laura

12:01 PM


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