Andrew James Beckitt arrives
OK. So it's been nearly 2 weeks since he arrived and this is the first time I've felt like sitting at the computer to update my blog. To tell the truth I'm lucky to have even checked my email. Who wants to sit at the computer when you have a gorgeous little man to look at all the time. When I'm not feeding him or staring at him I'm usually trying to get some sleep when he's asleep.
So... details!
During the day on Thursday 13th I was getting some pains on and off and thought they were Braxton Hicks (false contractions) and promptly decided to ignore them. Mum and Dad were around and doing stuff around the house and Jody came over for lunch. Daniel came home from work and Mum and Dad went back to their unit for tea. I told Daniel about the pains I was getting but thought they weren't anywhere near painful enough to be contractions. Nevertheless we discussed baby names again while we were doing the washing up and Daniel only then came up with Andrew James. We had liked both the names individually but hadn't put them together before. That went to the top of the list.
Mum and Dad came back over about 8pm (and brought some yummy ice-cream at my request) to play a couple of board games. The pains were still coming and going but I noticed them being a bit more regular. Still in denial I didn't say anything to anyone but I think Daniel noticed anyway. By the time Mum and Dad left at about 10.30pm they were every 15 mins and then when we'd settled down in bed by 11pm they were stronger and every 10mins. By this time I started to freak out a little. I think I rang the hospital about midnight and rang Mum and Dad a bit after that. We left home a bit after 1am and by then the contractions really hurt and were just about on top of each other. I wasn't too bad if I could stand and move around a bit but in the car was really uncomfortable.
When we got to the labour ward I was shown to a room almost straight away and given an exam. I was 3-4cms dilated which was good but they expected it to take another 6-8 hours. The midwife suggested the shower might help to ease the pain so I went in there and didn't come out again until somewhere between 4 and 4.30am I guess. Daniel was there the whole time, aiming the hot water at my back while I held the other nozzle on my front. I stood for some of the time then sat on a birthing stool for the rest of the time. When the pain started to get worse and I felt the irrisistable urge to push they got me back on to the bed to give me another examination. He was well on his way by now and I was allowed to push. Unfortunately, in between contractions his heart-rate started to drop quite low and they had to call in a doctor. It was quite urgent he get out as soon as possible. I kept pushing as hard as I could he eventually exploded into the world at 5.01am. His distress was due to the fact he wanted to come out waving with his hand on his head and his cord around his neck.
(WARNING! Next bit a little graphic.) Consequently he tore his mummy quite badly. So even though I'd made it through the whole labour process without a single drug, not even gas, I then had to have an epidural and go to theatre to get stitched up. As soon as Daniel cut the cord Andrew was taken to the other side of the room and given oxygen and checked out. He was fine so then I got to have a little cuddle. He was then given to Daniel while they checked me out. Mum and Dad had been waiting patiently and I got them in to the room for a cuddle too. I then got shipped off the theatre while Daniel looked after Andrew and they moved up to the ward.
I was in hospital until Sunday lunch time and really glad to get home. Andrew has really been an angel but I had real trouble breastfeeding in the first week. Thankfully I had a couple of midwives do a home visit and they helped me with my attachment so everything's much better now. Also, I think I've just toughened up a bit. It has taken some time to heal down below and I still have trouble sitting for any length of time (another reason I didn't want to do this) but I'm certainly on the mend.
I can hear my little man waking up now so I better go and do anything that needs doing before he screams for a feed. Daniel's blog has all the photos still and we'll keep putting more up as we get time.