So! I'm pregnant! Thought this might be a nice idea so all of my friends and family can keep up with my daily thoughts, feelings and goings-on during my pregnancy.

Thursday, March 31, 2005


Just one more thing... I was actually wondering if anybody reads this? So far my dearest Mum and Dad are the only ones who have left any comments. All you have to do is click on the 'comments' link at the bottom of each entry, check the 'anonymous' box and leave a message with your names at the end. If nobody is reading this then there doesn't seem much point in spending the time writing it. I tell Mum and Dad all this stuff on the phone every week anyway. So if anyone else reads this would you let me know. Thanks, I'd really love it!


Joseph said...

Just letting you know, that now Daniel's added an RSS feed, I've been receiving posts by email as they happen! Lucky Daniel last night! ;)

5:11 PM

Matt said...

Yes Jules, we are reading it. In fact, we get bitterly disappointed if there isn't at least one new post a day.
Grr. And, uhh, aargh. :)

9:34 PM

Anonymous said...

You will be pleased to know that someone else reads your blog. Hope the hormones sought them selves (our or at least you will know why), nice photo at 10 weeks, you may or may not be pleased to know (depending on the hormones for the day) that you can't really tell yet. - Annette and Neil

10:29 PM

Sven said...

Congratulations to you and Daniel! As for whether anyone's reading your posts, I've discovered that my own baby blog (okay, my wife's) sees far more readership than I ever expected. There's nothing like running into someone you haven't talked to in years, telling them your big news, and hearing: "Oh yes, I've been keeping up with your blog..."

10:38 AM

billyjoe noodle-bob said...

congratulations and welcome to the pregnantblogbandwagon.

8:42 AM

Jan Rhoades said...

Hi Julia, you don't know me but I worked with Danile and he has give me the links to yours and his blogs...Does he really want to share with everyone.

I was thrilled on Thursday when I heard the news - well done. Hope everything goes well for all of you.

I enjoyed reading your Blog - sick or not Daniel, you need to help with the washing up -

Love and hugs, Jan Rhoades.


6:52 PM

Anonymous said...

Yes Jules I do read it. Congratulations from Liz and I. Cheers John Dam

10:13 AM

Anonymous said...

Hi Julia!

Just wanted to thank you for your delightfully informative blog. My wife is 3 months pregnant. Your postings are a great comfort for her. You also help me better understand what she's feeling. We live on Hainan Island in the South China Sea. Please keep on posting! Your efforts are much appreciated and we wish you, Daniel & baby all the best!
Take care & "Bon courage!"
-Dwayne & Ji

3:50 PM

deniseuk said...

Hi Julia,

Ijust read your blog and it kept me throughly entertained for a good hour! I might just go and check out Daniel's too. I also might just have to tell my parents about this and maybe they can check it out in Spain, that way people all over the world will be reading your blog (well Spain and the UK anyway)
Take care

5:21 PM

Cora said...

Yep! I read it! Actually, you and I are both at the same stage of pregnancy! I was 12 weeks along on easter!! I'll bookmark your site. Here's mine (photos):

though no blog yet, but I am starting one soon on this site-

Seattle, WA USA

6:11 AM

Shay said...

I just wanted to say that I searched 10 weeks and then looked at the images in google and your 10 week picture was on the first page, top row. Pretty cool I think.

If you would like to chat sometime or something let me know. It's crazy that you are from Australia too because we are very interested in it.

Anyway, hope to hear from you soon.

9:20 AM


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